New Retreat: Healing Prayer at the Altar

New Retreat: Healing Prayer at the Altar

From 4 pm  Fri. Sept.5 – 4 pm  Sun. Sept.7.  A 48-hour Retreat for Healing Prayer Ministers. This 48-hr retreat is designed for those persons who are called to explore or deepen their call to Healing Prayer ministry and will focus on healing prayer at the altar during congregational worship. The retreat will include presentations and reflections on…

Join us for PsychoDrama, a one-day retreat with Robert Davis, MDiv, PLC

Join us for PsychoDrama, a one-day retreat with Robert Davis, MDiv, PLC

Holistic Pastoral Counseling Services presents PSYCHO-DRAMA, A One Day Retreat at Richmond Hill, 9 am to 4 pm on Saturday, August 3, 2013. This retreat helps participants establish life priorities, improve relationships, overcome fear and pain, improve communication and build self-confidence. It helps persons to deal with issues that hinder growth and hurts.  There will…

Thursday Montage

Urban Art & Spirituality at Richmond Hill An evening of prayer, dinner, and intentional conversation Offered on the last Thursday of the month, from September through May — beginning at 6:00 p.m. with prayer in the Chapel, followed by dinner in the Refectory, we adjourn to the Art Space from 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. for reflection and…