“What about Mary?” Advent Retreat, Dec. 1-3

“What about Mary?” Advent Retreat, Dec. 1-3

4 pm Friday, Dec.1 — 4 pm Sunday, Dec.3 You are invited to join us at Richmond Hill for an Advent Retreat to explore Mary’s story and the implications for the healing of our selves and metropolitan Richmond.  We will consider how Mary’s nature invites contemplation, compassion, creativity, and ecological concern.  Join  Richmond Hill co-pastoral…

Open Studio Saturday, March 18, 9 am – 4 pm

Open Studio Saturday, March 18, 9 am – 4 pm

Using color as your inspiration …create a collage, prayer card, illuminated manuscript or stained glass to inspire your own prayer time or to make a gift for someone else. Take a day of retreat in the inspirational art room. There you will be inspired to open to your artistic creativity while deepening your spiritual life in community prayers,…

Creating Pathways through Grief — a Day Retreat, Sat. February 10

Creating Pathways through Grief — a Day Retreat, Sat. February 10

Meeting Times Group meets from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Saturday, February 10. The expressive arts have long been helpful in processing our grief.  It is often restorative to bypass the intellect and work with our hands and heart. We can  express our grief and find new insights about the journey.  People are often amazed by…

Waiting for One Who Has Already Come: an Advent Retreat, Dec. 2-4

Waiting for One Who Has Already Come: an Advent Retreat, Dec. 2-4

4:00 pm Friday, December 2— 4:00 pm Sunday, December 4, 2016 Waiting isn’t easy, but each year at Advent we’re reminded again to do just that.  Jewish author, Simone Weil, said, “Waiting patiently in expectation is the foundation of the spiritual life.”  The anticipation of Jesus’ birth and the promise of his return testify to…

Navigating your landscape of grief, a 24-hr. retreat, Oct. 8-9

Navigating your landscape of grief, a 24-hr. retreat, Oct. 8-9

Offered from 4 pm Saturday, October 8 through 4 pm Sunday, October 9 — This retreat is designed to be a time apart for rest, renewal, learning, reflection and healing for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. There will be a range of guided and self-paced activities that individuals all along…

Lenten Retreat: Sat 4 pm – Sun 4 pm , Feb. 27-28

Lenten Retreat: Sat 4 pm – Sun 4 pm , Feb. 27-28

As we prepare to follow Jesus through his Passion and his Resurrection during this Lenten season, you may find that it is a time for simplifying and slowing down.  Perhaps a time to even ask ourselves, “What is really important?” and “What keeps me from it?”  Based on Jesus’ teaching, the Church has prescribed three…