Metro Richmond at Prayer
Since March 2006, more than 475 churches in Metropolitan Richmond have joined in a covenant to pray together weekly for the people of our metropolitan city. Please join us in this common prayer, beginning its seventeenth year on March 1, 2022. We believe that God desires the healing of this metropolitan city. We also believe that God desires for us to pray together and to pray specifically for his kingdom to come here as it is in heaven.
For the more than one million people living in this historic capital city of Central Virginia, including the jurisdictions of Richmond, Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, and the surrounding counties and towns, this is a cooperative, covenanted effort of churches in Metropolitan Richmond. We pray together each Sunday for the common concerns of our Metropolitan Richmond community.

Pray for the transformation of Metropolitan Richmond
Please use the Sunday themes however the Spirit leads. We do not tell one another how to pray. We only covenant to pray together in one accord for God’s transformation and healing of our metropolitan city.
Pastors and prayer leaders, please go to our Metro Richmond at Prayer website and inform us that you have joined in this common effort. You may also join by contacting us at 804-783-7903.