Daily Prayer

Pray for the spirit of the city.
Every day, three times a day (Morning 7:00 a.m. | Noon 12:00 p.m. | Evening 5:30 p.m.), we pray for the Transformation of Metropolitan Richmond — for the more than 1.2 million people living in this historic capital city of Central Virginia, including the jurisdictions of Richmond, Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, and the surrounding counties and towns. This is a legacy we inherited from the Sisters of the Visitation, who came in the summer of 1866 to this hill to pray for the healing and transformation of the city.
We also pray daily at Richmond Hill for persons or situations for which our prayers are requested. Call us at 804-783-7903.

Daily Cycle of Prayer
Everyday we pray for the healing of metropolitan Richmond; for the sick and those in our hearts; for the welfare of all who live here; for the establishment of God’s order in our community; and for peace.
Our citizens who live in the City of Richmond, the Mayor, Manager, City Council, and School Board. Non-profit organizations and their ministries. All schools: students, teachers, and staff. Day care centers. All who suffer from addiction, dependency, and co-dependency. The Council, residents, and staff of Richmond Hill.
Our citizens who live in Hanover County, the Board of Supervisors, School Board, and Manager. The print and broadcast media. The churches of metropolitan Richmond: members and clergy. All who live in poverty. All who suffer from mental illness.
The Governor of Virginia, the General Assembly, and all who work in State Government. All who work in businesses which provide services to others. All who work in construction. Hospitals and nursing homes: patients, residents, and staff; all who provide health care. Victims of violent crime; all who commit violent crime. All senior citizens.
Our citizens who live in Ashland, Hopewell, Colonial Heights, and Petersburg, the town and city Councils and Managers. All who work in banks and finance; all making financial decisions for greater Richmond. Prisons and jails of metropolitan Richmond: prisoners and staff. All who are unemployed or underemployed. All public servants.
Our citizens who live in Henrico County, the Supervisors, School Board, and County Manager. All who work in the manufacturing industry in metropolitan Richmond. The police, fire, and rescue workers. The courts. All young people. All who hurt, need inner healing, or are unable to love.
Our citizens who live in Chesterfield County, the Supervisors, School Board, and County Manager. All who work in retail trade in metropolitan Richmond, and those who own our businesses. Counselors and spiritual directors. The Sisters of the Visitation of Monte Maria. All victims of abuse; all perpetrators of abuse.
Our citizens who live in the Counties of Charles City, Goochland, Powhatan, and New Kent, the Supervisors, School Boards, and Managers. An end to racism and racial prejudice. All places of prayer or worship: churches, mosques, and synagogues. Universities, colleges, and technical schools. All who seek God.