Join us Easter Morning in the Garden
7 – 8 a.m. Easter Sunday, April 1 This Sunday morning, you are welcome to join us for Morning Prayers and light refreshments in the Garden at Richmond Hill. (come on in, the gate will be open!)
7 – 8 a.m. Easter Sunday, April 1 This Sunday morning, you are welcome to join us for Morning Prayers and light refreshments in the Garden at Richmond Hill. (come on in, the gate will be open!)
Saturday, April 21, 9 am — 4 pm Come engage in constructive dialogue with Sylvia Clute and the Koinonia faculty on how to practice Unitive Justice. We will listen, do small group work, and participate in a seminar discussion. Passionately committed to the practice of Unitive Justice, Sylvia Clute is the President of the Alliance…
Saturday, March 24, 9 am — 4 pm Come engage in constructive dialogue with Laura Lafayette and the Koinonia faculty on race and K-12 public education. We will do small group work, take a tour of area neighborhoods and schools, and participate in a seminar discussion. Passionately committed to the cause of educational equity, Laura…
Each Wednesday during Lent, we will explore our Lenten journey through the lens of Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, An Altar in The World. Contemplating what it means to be “Waking Up to God,” the day will begin at 9 a.m. with a devotional reflection and a discussion from selected chapters of the book. We will then move into silent individual…
We will have Community Worship with Eucharist at 5:30 pm on Christmas, Monday, December 25, with dinner following worship. We will be closed for the Christmas holiday from 5 pm Friday, December 22 until 8:30 am Tuesday, January 2. The chapel door will open daily at prayer times, 7 am, noon, and 6 pm, if…
The Recovery Eucharist — a service devoted to healing and personal transformation found within 12-step spirituality and embodied in the Eucharist. A special invitation is extended to those recovering from any addiction and to those who desire to support people in recovery. Leader: Rev. Herbert Jones Monthly on 4th Tuesdays at 7:30 pm in Chapel….
Community Worship Service is Moving to Tuesdays… Beginning in January 2018, our weekly Community Worship Service will move from Monday to Tuesday evenings. This change will provide our residents with a few additional hours of Sabbath rest and needed time together as “a family.” The shift will happen on Tuesday, January 2. The service will continue…
Thursday, November 30 at 7:30 PM – 9 PM, in the Chapel — Come celebrate 30 years of praying and working for the healing and transformation of metropolitan Richmond! Bring a friend and join us for a spirited Evening of Song & Celebration. In addition to Jim Bennett and the Rev. Joel Blunk, our guest musicians include Oak Grove…
Friday, January 19, 4 pm – Sunday, January 21, 4 pm Join the Richmond Hill community for a weekend retreat patterned after Taizé, “that little springtime” in the Southern French Alps. Our weekend together will consist of small group formation, conscious work in the community, a chance to learn about both the mission of Taizé…
Save the date: November 30 Join us for an evening of Song & Celebration as we commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the founding of Richmond Hill. In addition to Jim Bennett at the piano, we will have special musical guests. Thursday, November 30, 7:30-9 pm.