A good sermon can aid effective spiritual development.

Turn Back or Press On?

Turn back? Or press on? It’s your choice, the choice of discipleship. It was true back in the day, and it is still true today. Rev. Qasarah Spencer speaks to this in her sermon on John 6:56-69, delivered at Community worship on Tuesday, August 28, 2018. [soundcloud id=’492322536′ height=’false’] Rev. Qasarah Spencer serve as Associate…

A good sermon can aid effective spiritual development.

Finding Wisdom in an Era of ‘Fake News’

Rev. Sherman Logan delivers a strong message at Community worship on Tuesday, August 22, 2018 at Richmond Hill. [soundcloud id=’489775620′ height=’false’] Rev. Sherman Z. Logan, Jr. is the Executive Minister at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond.  He earned a BA degree in Sociology from the University of Virginia and a Master of Divinity from…

A good sermon can aid effective spiritual development.

Being the Bread of Life

How do we become the bread of life, the living word, in the world? Jabriel Hasan, member of the Urban Service Corps, delivers this message at Community worship at Richmond Hill on Tuesday, August 14, 2018. [soundcloud id=’488670501′ mini=’false’ width=’100%’ height=’false’] Jabriel is in his second year as a member of the urban Service Corps of…

Peaceful retreat, quiet contemplation, a 1st Friday Retreat.

Peaceful retreat, quiet contemplation, a 1st Friday Retreat.

1st Friday, September 6 — it’s your day for peace & quiet contemplation. This is your golden opportunity… read, write, meditate, relax. What a great way to celebrate the end of summer! Plus, by taking time for a personal retreat, you are forming the intention to take good care of your self. Retreats offer us…

Soaking Prayer

Soaking Prayer

Those struggling with illness have benefitted from being “soaked in prayer” over periods of time. Prayer ministers are available to pray with those desiring emotional, spiritual, or physical healing. Participants are invited to find a comfortable place, sit, relax, and receive prayer. Participants may also come and go during the service. DeBorah Cannady, Leader on…

Generational Healing, with Paula Parker: Tuesday May 29, 7:30 pm

Generational Healing, with Paula Parker: Tuesday May 29, 7:30 pm

The Rev. Dr. Paula Owens Parker will lead the Generational Healing service at Richmond Hill on Tuesday evening, May 29 at 7:30 p.m. You can invite God’s healing into your family Join us for this is unique opportunity to invite God’s healing into your family, including the generations that have gone before and the generations…

Eating Together

Eating Together

What happens when we sit down to eat a meal together? Rev. Janie Walker shares insights in her sermon on John 6:24-35, preached at Community worship on Tuesday, August 7, 2018. [soundcloud id=’483280944′ mini=’false’ width=’100%’ height=’false’] Janie came to Richmond Hill as a resident associate pastor in 2000. She left the residential community in 2008,…