Explore a Call to Intentional Community

Explore a Call to Intentional Community

What’s it like living at Richmond Hill?   In 2021, our residents hosted a virtual open house for anyone sensing a possible call to residency at Richmond Hill. It was a virtual tour designed around the experience of living in intentional community here at Richmond Hill. We made a video as an introduction to the discernment…

Phase III Re-opening (by appointment only)

Welcome! Richmond Hill is committed to providing every guest with the peace of mind to relax and enjoy their time with us, though visits are scheduled by appointment only. Our Healthy ReOpening Team has diligently considered and implemented safety precautions, protocols, and sanitation standards recommended by the CDC and VDH, and in accordance with state,…

Writing To Tell the Truth

Writing To Tell the Truth

MARCH 19, 2021 | Friday, 7-9p via Zoom In Race Matters, Cornel West highlights the black freedom fighters who converted their sufferings into art to inspire downtrodden communities. West says a characteristic of black artistic excellence is “[t]he freedom to tell the truth in love about one’s self and world.” This participatory seminar guides participants through black…

From Trauma to Triumph

From Trauma to Triumph

***DUE TO STRONG DEMAND AND TO ENSURE MANAGEABILITY FOR THOSE ALREADY REGISTERED, THIS SERIES IS UNFORTUNATELY FULL*** A Lenten Teaching Series Plan to join Co-Pastoral Director, Rev. Dr. Lisa Johnson, Thursday mornings in Lent, February 18 through April 1, 9:30-11:00 AM, on-line. In this Lenten Teaching Series, we will look at the journey of Christ…