What do you think?

What do you think?

Click Here! You tell us how it’s going… Now here is your opportunity to tell us what you think. Click the link. Take the online survey. You will find questions designed to gather your thoughts and feelings about Richmond Hill, its activities and its impact on the physical, emotional and spiritual health of the Richmond…

The Evolving Enneagram: July 2017

The Evolving Enneagram: July 2017

Monday, July 17, 4:00 p.m. through Friday, July 21, 2:00 p.m.   The RUAH Alumni Association is pleased to announce its 2017 Summer Institute: The Evolving Enneagram, with keynote presenter Ruth Hill. At the heart of this 5-day retreat, participants will experience stillness, silence, and working from the “ground of our existence up” as we journey together. Symbols…

Unitive vs. Punitive Justice? Monday, April 24, 7:30 pm

Unitive vs. Punitive Justice? Monday, April 24, 7:30 pm

Hear the Panel Discussion — What we call justice is often little more than revenge. An expert panel takes on the question:  How do we move from punitive justice to a broader position of restoring wholeness and unifying our communities? The 45 minute lectures will be followed by facilitated conversation and group processing time among the audience….

Historic Marker Dedicated on April 4!

Historic Marker Dedicated on April 4!

What a glorious occasion! At 11 a.m. on a picture-perfect Tuesday morning, friends, family, neighbors and elected officials gathered on Grace Street for the outdoor dedication of a Marker honoring Richmond Hill’s Building & Grounds as a Historic Landmark of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Jim Bennett, Richmond Hill Musician, lead us in song. Rev. Joel Blunk and Rev….