Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Tuesday, June 30 via Zoom, 7-8:30p Come join the discussion The Koinonia School of Race & Justice at Richmond Hill presents a gathering on Black Lives Matter (BLM). In this historic moment, join us as we explore the origin and goals of the Black Lives Matter movement. Participate with your insights and questions. Register here:…

Working for change

Working for change

Dear friends, We posted the following statement last Sunday.  We hope you have found your own way to speak and act in this critical time.  It will take all of us working together to bring about the healing, justice, peace, and change so desperately needed now.  With God’s help. As an organization committed to social…

Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer

Tuesday Evenings at 7-8:15 pm, on Zoom Now you can join the weekly Tuesday group here at Richmond Hill virtually via Zoom at 7:00 p.m., by contacting Becky Robinson, Chapter Coordinator of Contemplative Outreach of Richmond and Co-Leader of our Tuesday night Centering Prayer group, at

RAPHA — A Course in Contemplative Healing Prayer

RAPHA — A Course in Contemplative Healing Prayer

Learn the rhythms of grace Rapha (the Hebrew word to heal) is a seven-month course in contemplative healing prayer. It consists of three retreats and four (4) six-week sessions. The course begins in September 2019 and concludes in April 2020. Participants are required to read selected books and articles, journal, write reflection papers, meet with…

Know justice, know peace

An open letter to the community: As an organization committed to social justice and racial reconciliation, Richmond Hill stands in solidarity with African Americans and their allies who are peacefully protesting anti-black violence. Unfortunately, any mass protest offers opportunity for people to exploit these actions. This should not be held against the protesters who are…

The Judy Project

The Judy Project

Unearthing African American Stories at Richmond Hill Between the 1740s and 1865, at least 200 blacks were enslaved by the owners of the property on which Richmond Hill now sits. Named for a woman enslaved in the Adam-Taylor House during the Civil War, our African American History Project aims to help re-write the history of Richmond Hill…