Becoming Anti-Racist

Becoming Anti-Racist

by Sheryl Johnson I don’t know when I came to realize that I’m a racist.  Not the hood wearing, confederate flag waving kind, but the kind that doesn’t think twice about a photo voter ID law that just happens to disproportionately impact people of color, or the kind that looks a little more suspiciously at…

Praying with the songs of Taizé, Tuesday, February 5, 7:30 pm

Praying with the songs of Taizé, Tuesday, February 5, 7:30 pm

Settle into the Winter season with the worship style of Taizé on Tuesday, February 5. The service is contemplative and meditative in character, using short songs, repeated again and again in a candlelit chapel. We invite you to participate in our practice of Taizé which includes singing, prayer for Metropolitan Richmond, and a period of silence….

A good sermon can aid effective spiritual development.

Hold Back Nothing

“Hold back nothing from God…” Rev. Janie M. Walker speaks to the ins & outs of God’s economy in her sermon on Mark 12:38-44, delivered at Community worship on Tuesday, November 13, 2018. [soundcloud id=’530313864′ height=’false’] Janie came to Richmond Hill as a resident associate pastor in 2000. She left the residential community in 2008,…

A good sermon can aid effective spiritual development.

Reciprocal Love

Reciprocal love and the Kingdom — it goes round and round. Rev. Joel Blunk offers insight in his sermon on Mark 12:28-34 given at Community worship on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. [soundcloud id=’526194540′ height=’false’] Joel is an ordained Presbyterian minister with the Presbyterian Church (USA).  He came to Richmond Hill to serve as Co-Pastoral Director…