Waiting for One Who Has Already Come: an Advent Retreat, Dec. 2-4
4:00 pm Friday, December 2— 4:00 pm Sunday, December 4, 2016
Waiting isn’t easy, but each year at Advent we’re reminded again to do just that. Jewish author, Simone Weil, said, “Waiting patiently in expectation is the foundation of the spiritual life.” The anticipation of Jesus’ birth and the promise of his return testify to that. So why is it so hard for us to wait? As people of faith, how are we to do it? What, exactly, are we waiting for and why? Join Richmond Hill’s new co-pastoral director, Rev. Joel Blunk, for an exploration of these questions and more. Time together will provide focus for the season through an in-depth exploration of the theme, including:
- Praying the hours with the Richmond Hill community
- Connecting with the examples of Mary, Elizabeth, and Zechariah
- An experience of solitude and community
- A look at Stability, Community, and Conversion in relation(ship) to waiting
- An opportunity to get to know Joel through sermon, story, and song
Suggested donation: $180 per person. Space is limited.
Register here: DeBorah Cannady at 783-7903 – ext. 10, or retreats@richmondhillva.org