Full-Time Residency
The residential Christian community lives at the heart of Richmond Hill. Committed to the mission of the healing of metropolitan Richmond through prayer and action, the residents maintain a daily prayer schedule, host guests, and look after the buildings and grounds.

Each member of the residential community has felt called to the rhythm of life and service at Richmond Hill. Some have joined for 3-5 years and others have spent over a decade living and serving here. Each person has a unique story to share when asked, “How did you end up at Richmond Hill?”, but many of those stories share common themes of a longing to be part of a beloved community, the desire to seek God or follow Jesus every day, the call to hospitality, and a passion for pursuing racial justice.
Do you feel called to a life of prayer, hospitality, racial justice, and community?
We invite you to prayerfully consider joining us on your journey by applying to be a Resident at Richmond Hill. Residents receive a modest stipend, retirement plan contributions, health/dental/vision, unfurnished apartment, food, and a sacred and historic home.
We have specific needs on our staff and maintain a list of open positions, where you can read about the responsibilities of each position and how to apply. Part of the application process includes discernment around residency.
Interested in Exploring Full-Time Residency?
Submit an inquiry below and one of the co-pastoral directors will be in touch with you soon.